Friday, May 26, 2017

Sphere of Existance

One of the things I never really thought about when first learning how to play RPGs was the different dimensions and spheres of existence in a game. After-all, they're usually not needed or even used in most adventures. However, having at least some understanding of the relationship between the different parts can help "explain" how certain extraordinary effects work.

In this post, I'd like to present my own take on other dimensions/realms/planes/spheres of existence. For mine, I'll call it the "hypersphere" of existence.

Six-Dimensional Space

In this hypersphere, there are six dimensions. The first three (which we'll call X, Y and Z) are the same as we normally think of them: forward-backward, left-right and up-down. The whole of the universe works within these dimensions similar to the modern theory of the universe. The universe itself is made up of a very large sphere with space, matter, energy etc. unfolding normally within its boundaries.

However, there are another three dimensions that exist as well. These dimensions are "hyperdimensions" that cannot normally be seen on a day-to-day basis (the same as three sides of a six-sided cube are always hidden from view). We'll call these dimensions A, B and C.

These hyperaxis are not contained inside a "bubble", like the rest of the universe. Instead, they ride along the surface of the universal boundary, like how we walk along the crust of the earth. On the surface of this sphere are four poles (explained below).

Elemental Poles

The first of these hyper-axis can be thought of running from west to east. Two poles inhabit the opposite sides of the sphere: the western pole is the coldest, and made of mostly solids and matter. This is where Earth exists; since the vacuum of space is cold and there is a lot of matter spread throughout.

As we travel east, we approach the second pole, which is the hottest and made of mostly energy and magic. In this pole, existence is only of a plasma of pure energy and mana. Only thoughts/souls/magic can exist in this hyper-energized state.

In-between these two poles exists a spectrum running from very-hot (fire) to cooler (gas/air), to cold (water/liquid) to very-cold (solid/earth).

Celestial Poles

From north to south are the celestial poles. The north pole is the high heavens, where pure divinity stands and the virtues of bravery, charitably, chastity, fairness, forgiveness, honesty, humility, mercy, prudence, temperance, tolerance and trust are incarnate. They permeate in the essence of all that is there. The wind sings fairness, the trees sway in tolerance and the sun shines honesty.

The south pole is the lower hells. Here, the heart of evil thrives and the vices of cowardice, selfishness, lust, prejudice, vengeance, deception, arrogance, cruelty, recklessness, indulgence, zealotry and suspicion are anthropomorphic. The darkness cloaks all in deception, the fires burn with vengeance and the ices forever freeze suspicion.

Near the equator is a mix of both celestial poles, where true neutrality exists. The universe here is completely indifferent to the good and evil happenings that erupt all around it. Instead, a true balance of nature is reached where only equilibrium exists.

In the Beginning...

At the very start of the universe, everything was infinitesimal. Similar to the big bang, all that was and ever will be was in a single point in space and time. As the great eruption occurred, all creation sprung forth. The universe now expands outwards, from a previous state of order to one of chaos. This expansion is very slow, taking place over trillions of years.

As matter moves from a stable state to a more unstable state, this expansion represents the passing of time. This third axis, the up-down axis (like jumping upwards towards the sky and back down to the ground), travels in a single direction: outwards. This is how time moves forward; marching forwards to an inevitable heat death for everything within it.

Most creatures cannot change their course of time travel because everything is being flung outwards. Over millennium, everything (including the earth, heaven, hell, etc.) will begin to break down into chaos. In this sense, everything exists in a slow spectrum of order-to-chaos (that takes place over time).

Alternate Dimensions & Timelines

Because space itself is ever-expanding; the possibilities of which direction matter can travel grows in possibilities to near-infinite the farther out from it's original source it travels. In the present, there is only one possibility: the one possibility unfolding in the present. But every second into the future, there grows more possibilities of how things could occur. For example, if reading this on a computer, you could spend the next second standing up, or remain sitting (but could not, say, suddenly appear at the nearest grocery store). However, given enough time, such possibilities become possible.

The same happens in the ever-expanding universe. The more the universe expands and the more you travel along the latitudes & longitudes, the more "out of phase" you become from the present. The same location (X, Y, Z) remains the same; but the viewer grows distance from their current world by traveling along the spectrum of possibilities. Ghosts and other ethereal creatures are in the same world as us (that is, the same X, Y, Z dimensions); only they're out of phase (by traveling along the A, B, C dimensions).

This phenomenon is the same as if you looked at the three dimensions of a cube, then slowly rotated the cube. One of the sides begins to shrink in perspective (but can still be partially seen).

Dimension / Time Walkers

Most creatures cannot walk in the hyper dimensions no more than we can walk vertically along a cliff (due to gravity keeping us firmly within our own dimensions). However, some extraordinary creatures (gods, demi-gods) have the ability to walk along these dimensions. Angels, demons, etc. can walk in this way, traveling from heaven/hell to the neutral equator. They can also travel from the aether-less pole (earth) to the mana-filled pole (aether).

Portals and gates simple allow an adventurer to step onto one of the hyper-dimensions and start walking on it as the new "down".

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