Saturday, September 12, 2015


I'd like to welcome everyone to my very first blog. Some of you may be wondering what "OSR" is, and why it apparently sucks. Some of you may be offended by the very title of this blog. Others, I hope, will understand the mission I have set out to accomplish.

Before creating this blog I thought long and hard about whether or not I should call it "OSR Sucks!". I consider myself a naturally positive person and I didn't want people to brand me as a nay-sayer, boat rocker or dissident. But in the end I feel that the title of this blog will serve to capture enough attention; and hopefully generate enough discussion, to serve my true mission...

You see, the Old School Renaissance movement is made up of a small, passionate group of gamers who enjoy the role-playing games (RPGs) of yore. These RPGs, which are decades old and often out-of-print, are what's considered "old school". Of the gamers who enjoy role-playing and adventure games, some prefer the old school style over the new school publications. Thus, a type of renaissance was born with the goals of preserving and rejoicing in these now classic games.

Each OSR fan is attracted to the games-of-years-long-past for their own reasons; but for each there is something special they hold dear to their hearts. For some, it's the nostalgia; for others it's the stories and theme of that era, and for others it's the simplicity of the system and mechanics.

However, the old school RPGs in question are not perfect. They never have been. In fact it could be argued there is no such thing as a perfect role-playing game. But sometimes gamers will, in an act to defend the past characteristics and methodologies of these "old school" games, will turn a blind eye to their blemishes. Some will refute or outright ignore obvious improvements made in more modern games; going so far as lying to themselves by telling themselves that "they don't make 'em like they used to".

These games, designed and crafted by our forefathers, take on an almost stradivarian effect; where nothing seems quite as good as the original. Is it because the original is infallible, or because cognative dissonance has taken hold?

It is my hope that the audience of this blog does not consider the title "OSR Sucks!" as offensive; but rather a tongue-and-cheek joke to be shared amongst each other. For you see, I am not an outsider attempting to bash the OSR movement; but rather one of you; a fellow OSR-ian who wants all of us to succeed where our fathers have faltered.

It is my dream that we will be honest enough with one another--as well as ourselves--to admit to that which is flawed; and work together to fix the snags for future generations. Let us come together to help shape and influence the direction of RPGs of today by letting go of inefficient mechanics and embracing what brings the most fun to the most amount of people in the easiest and most flavorful way we know.

It has been said that true change happens when we are in a ritual space; and that a ritual space is born through intent. I hope you join me in my journey to question, re-think and challenge the pre-conceptions of the old school movement--without cold-bloodedness--but rather impartiality; for the sake of a better game.

Thank you for reading.

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